Thursday, February 10, 2011

5 keys to a new politic

-Boring economics. No grand visions, just boring economics. Let the people do vision, the government do boring and whistleblowing and smart reg.

-play fair. For conservatives it means legalizing gay marriage somehow. If we don't outlaw adultery or non-marital sex, it's hard to outlaw gay marriage. Is it possible for the state to police morality? Obviously yes, but I think only in a libertarian way. This one concession I feel does not infringe a Christian's moral integrity. Christians working in Rome worked with far worse laws and they worked the old-fashioned way. Loving and witnessing to their neighbor while striving for personal moral purity. I think this should be our model. Also this concession can open up dialogue in many other areas. Gay-marriage can lead to a consistent libertarian politic that would allow for a smaller government.

-Swap gay marriage for super-progress on abortion issue. Abortion impedes our ability to help and witness as Christians to our neighbor. I don't feel same-sex marriage does this. There are numerous brilliant ways to stop abortion where everyone wins. PUSH PUSH PUSH.

-Let the income tax on high wage earners slide up after a fight (to pre-empt future hikes) and offer huge, enormous deductions for charitable giving. If we are investing in America, then encourage Americans to do so according to their conscience. This is classic American and, if we're being honest and truly non-partisan, should make everyone happy. Obviously you'd have to regulate so that the charitable giving is charitable and not a loophole/shelter. As per what qualifies as a charitable donation, I think the rules are necessarily liberal.

-Have an HONEST discussion on healthcare. This means both sides have to play nice. The Obama admin did an awful job of this by jumping the gun and bizarrely forcing down a huge government expenditure during an economic hardship. Stupid. A discussion of the philosophy and hard-nosed feasibility of the goal is required. I mean honestly, NO ONE wants to see people suffer medically and go into debt over cancer treatments or what not. Both sides have valid ideas and points. We can and should have an honest and no-nonsense discussion about this. Maybe it's just not possible. Maybe it can be innovative. Maybe it can be an option that's not on the current stuffy spectrum of left to right. Maybe we have to take the plunge. It needs to be talked about correctly. Nothing has come even close yet.

These 5 items would largely resolve all the turmoil in the current political arena. These 5 items resolved would leave us with little else to argue about.

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